2爱犬出门散步「遭下毒暴毙」!谢嘉怡:对人失去信任 心碎揭残忍真相
* Trigger post warning *
It is with the heaviest of heartbroken hearts that I write this. Yesterday afternoon I set out on a walk with my 3 babies, yet I was only able to return home with just Leo. We tried a new path at SHE SHAN village, Lam Tsuen. Where some very disgusting, horrible and unforgivable person had decided to leave a meat feast laced with poison on the route. By the time I got to the girls, they started to drop and take seizures. Unfortunately peachy didn’t make it to the vet, and summer passed very soon after. The vet told us they laced it with neurotoxins meaning it hit their brain immediately and there was little to be done.I am so utterly confused and destroyed, why didn’t my girls make it home with me? Why did I wake up today with two huge holes in my heart? What was the need to kill two innocent little girls? And whilst I am destroyed, the person who did this is just carrying on their day as normal, probably heading to see if any animal took the bait.Yesterday I lost my faith In humanity, but the man I met on the trail followed me to the main road and hailed a taxi for me, to the people at the bus stop who tried to get milk to help them, to the taxi driver who didn’t want to take dogs but seen the sheer panic and distress of carrying two dying dogs was having took us anyway, and didn’t charge us a penny. To the vets who tried their hardest and to the vet nurse who messaged me in the middle of the night just to check up on Leo and me. They restored my faith that there are good people out there.
And today I wake up ready to stand up for my babies, not to have let them die for no reason, and advocate for change. How can this be legal to buy these products to do this? How can we make a simple walk safe for our babies? And why is there no safeguarding on these products being sold? If someone can poison an animal what is to stop them from doing it to a human?
These poisons can kill us too. As you can see from the last photo, this was very well planned out. They had a whole roast Chicken, sausages and other meats that any animal would love, they even served it on a plate for them.
Good night my baby G and goodnight peachybum-
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