澳洲无尾熊口渴又害羞 屋主把水管当「吸管」喂牠喝
▲无尾熊口渴又不敢从树上下来,最后在附近屋主协助下,握着水管当吸管猛喝。(图/FACEBOOK:ANIMALS AUSTRALIA)
顺利帮助无尾熊解渴,寇特尼也十分开心,她将画面录下来分享给澳洲动物(Animals Australia)粉丝团,获得超过2万6千多人按赞、1万2千多人转贴。「澳洲动物粉丝团」表示,野生动物们在夏天十分难熬,没有冷气房可以遮蔽,也常常没水喝而死亡,为了避暑或找寻水源,牠们可能会跑到你的土地、你的屋子附近。期盼人们可以发挥同理心,给牠们喝水,减轻酷暑折磨,很可能因此救了牠一命。
Courtney noticed that a male koala on her property had been struggling through scorching heat. Last Tuesday, he had come down low enough from his tree (likely on his way to the water bowl she had left for him) that she was able to reach him with the end of her hose. "He grabbed the hose, held onto it and drank from the end." ❤ Isn't kindness awesome? SHARE to encourage others to leave water out for wildlife this summer!