费城篮板王遭驱逐又回来打、恩比德中招 温班亚玛遭酸学CP3假摔
CONTROVERSY IN PHILLY: Andre Drummond was ejected after Victor Wembanyama fell… then the referees reviewed it & found that Wemby FLOPPER & Drummond had the ejection rescinded. Drummond was already in the locker room with his jersey off, put it back on while walking down the… pic.twitter.com/K8yw273nEr
七六人今(24)日在主场迎战马刺,差点在上半场就一次失去两名长人。先是从板凳出发的4届篮板王卓拉蒙德(Andre Drummond)遭到驱逐出场,裁判审视重播画面后,认定温班亚玛(Victor Wembanyama)假摔,卓拉蒙德得以再次回到场上,但随后一哥恩比德(Joel Embiid)就没这么幸运,两次判决都引起争议。
"He didn't do anything"Andre Drummond gets a T, talks trash to Victor Wembanyama before Wembanyama trips and Drummond is tossed from the game from a ref who thought he pushed Wemby. Nick Nurse loses his mind only for the refs to undo the technical.pic.twitter.com/1j61SXeAA5
次节还剩8分13秒,费城替补中锋卓拉蒙德领到技术犯规,他对「法国怪物」温班亚玛说了一些垃圾话,随后温班亚玛摔倒在地,金发女裁判以为是卓拉蒙德推人,因此将他赶出场,这个判决让七六人主帅纳斯(Nick Nurse)当场理智断线,在场边疯狂怒吼。
Joel Embiid has been ejected from Sixers-Spurs after picking up two technical fouls where he was called for a charge against Wemby on this play.Good or bad ejection? ???? pic.twitter.com/a4E0SQycGy
▲七六人一哥恩比德(左)、马刺温班亚玛 。(图/达志影像/美联社)
《ClutchPoints》记者西格尔(Brett Siegel)直言,在任何情况下,恩比德都不应该被驱逐出场,「NBA真的需要对滥用职权的裁判采取行动。裁判们绝对是这个联盟问题的一部分,这真是可悲。」
《TheAthletic》记者韦斯(Jared Weiss)则狠酸,「保罗(Chris Paul)正在教温班亚玛假摔的黑暗艺术,这让他一个人就能摧毁七六人。」
▲七六人卓拉蒙德 。(图/达志影像/美联社)