「寂寞与独自一人截然不同」 热播医疗影集《良医墨非》迎来第五季
因应疫情使得医疗类的影剧题材大受欢迎,而其中即将迈向第五季的热播影集《良医墨非》(The Good Doctor)便是描述一位自闭症患者的天才医师有着才智过人的医术,直言不讳总是对病患过於坦承的人格特质就是这位角色最吸引人之处,亦是整出戏的灵魂人物,下面七则金句带大家一一回味这部热播多年的经典影集。
“All of them make mistakes, and hopefully, all of them learn.“大家都会犯错,但幸好我们都能从错中学习。
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“Being alone and being lonely are two different things. Sometimes, we are lonely, and we don’t even know it. “独自一人以及感到寂寞为截然不同的两件事,有时候其实我们很寂寞但自己甚至不会知道。
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“The world is sad and very complicated. “这世界充满了悲伤以及复杂。
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“We just have to love other people for who they are and hope they love us too. “我们能选择的只有尽力去爱人,而若够幸运的话对方也会同样的这么爱我们。
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“When people want you to do something they think is wrong, they say it’s reality. “当别人认为你的想法错误时,他们指的是因为你违背了现实。
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“Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can do and can’t do. “永远不要让别人来告诉你什么事你办得到、什么事你做不到。
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“We all die. If we accepted that, we would be happier. “人终将会死,若我们能接受这个事实,反而比较快乐。
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