快讯/美国驻巴格达大使馆遭飞弹攻击!传出多起爆炸声 浓烟狂窜
外媒《今日俄罗斯》(RT)最新消息,美国驻伊拉克首都巴格达大使馆遭到多枚飞弹攻击,聚集多国使馆与政府机构的「绿区」(Green Zone)传出多起爆炸声。截至台湾时间16日上午9时40分,尚未有组织出面宣称犯案。
消息指出,大使馆周边地区至少传出4声爆炸巨响。《华盛顿邮报》记者穆斯塔法萨利姆 Mustafa Salim)透过推特说,「现场警报声不断,且有多架战机飞越当地上空。」目前推特已有许多画面流传。据了解,巴格达东部一处社区冒出浓烟。
At least four explosions were heard from the direction of Baghdad green zone where @USEmbBaghdad is located. Sirens went on and Jets are flying over the area.
Multiple rockets have targeted the US embassy in the green zone in Baghdad. Smoke has been seen rising from the area #Iraq #Baghdad pic.twitter.com/bHeju8L9Sd
Footage from the protesters in Tahrir Square at the moment of the rocket attacks on the green zone which houses the #US embassy in #Baghdad, the sound of sirens can be clearly heard. #Iraq pic.twitter.com/pLg8Pz0gql