快讯/纽约川普大楼烈火!「浓黑烟狂窜」1死4伤 川普急发推特

美国纽约川普大楼」(Trump Tower)发生大火。(图/翻摄自FDNY Twitter)


位于美国纽约的「川普大楼」(Trump Tower)7日发生大火,140名消防人员全力抢救,火势50楼延烧,造成1名男子丧生、4名消防人员轻伤。路过的民众见状赶紧拍影片上传至推特上,还tag美国总统川普(Donald Trump)第50层楼大火要注意安全。据了解,川普的豪宅就在大楼中,不过川普一家人当时都在华府

#FDNY members are on scene of a 3-alarm fire at 721 5th Ave Manhattan. There are currently no injuries reported pic.twitter.com/PKuPZBu70E


Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!



Flames and lots of smoke coming from Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in Manhattan #trumptower @BBC @GuardianUS @nytimes @CNN pic.twitter.com/NpeUoW1ktm

Fire at Trump Tower #trumptower pic.twitter.com/g11HcFPSws

#FDNY members remain on scene of a 4-alarm fire, 721 5th Ave in Manhattan. There is currently one serious injury to a civilian, and 3 non-life-threatening injuries to Firefighters, reported pic.twitter.com/c7qeOlDVcf