伦敦怀旧冰店必去!新IG圣地「云朵冰淇淋」Milk Train

伦敦新ig圣地Milk Train。(图/Milk Train粉丝页)


现在很多人到了伦敦,除了到那些经典景点之外,也会根据IG的的火红打卡点,进行新的地点探索。就像是这间超可爱的云朵冰淇淋店Milk Train,除了传统冰桶冰淇淋看起来很可口之外,一大朵云朵般的棉花糖包围在甜筒之外,真的超可爱梦幻的!

▲伦敦Milk Train推出各种创意冰淇淋。(图/Milk Train粉丝页)

根据孤独星球网站,Milk Train Café就位在超大市集芬园(Covent Garden)附近的巷弄之中,这间咖啡店设计白色基调,里面虽然空间不大,但是却十分明亮,设计工作室FormRoom采用了传统的装饰艺术(Art Deco)来进行设计,里面更是有一些传统的英式火车元素。简而言之,不只是冰淇淋本身,连店家内部都很适合拍照打卡。

2019 - Restaurant & Bar Design Awards / Recent Entry An interesting London Cafe project has been entered into this edition of the Awards. Milk Train (London, UK) is designed by FormRoom. The brief was to design an immersive space that fostered brand love to Milk Train's huge social following whilst bringing to life the core brand pillars; Surreal, Timeless, British, Immersive. It took inspiration from a predominantly monochromatic palette with nods to the classic Art Deco design cues popularised in traditional train stations, Covent Garden provides the core brand design blueprint; by which all future sites will evolve from. View the project on the Awards website here: https://restaurantandbardesignawards.com/awards/entry/?id=7883 #RBDA #RBDA2019 #RBDAentries #RBDApop #restaurantandbardesignawards #FormRoom #milktrain #london #coventgarden #hospitality #hospitalitydesign #restaurant #restaurantdesign #bar #bardesign #foodandbeverage #cafe #cafedesign #design #interiors #interiordesign #decor #photography #hospitalityphotography #newopening

Restaurant & Bar Design Awards(@restaurantandbardesignawards)分享的贴文 于 PST 2019 年 2月 月 13 日 上午 8:41 张贴



Milk Train地址:12 Tavistock Street全年无休