《时来运转》冰球Power Play及Short-handed是什么意思?
运彩冰球不让分主队胜或客队胜的赔率相对高,吸引很多购券者投注,相信大家在关注冰球比赛时都有听到或看到「Power Play」或「Short-handed」这2个词,这是什么意思呢!对投注有何影响!今天来跟大家谈一谈。
冰上曲棍球比赛2队球员各有5名攻击员及1名守门员,比赛过程中如果有球员因犯规被判出场,使得场上球员人数比另一队少时,该球队即处于所谓「Short-handed」(缺人手)的状态,另一队则是处于所谓「Power Play」(以多打少)的状态,「Power Play」的时间长短端视犯规的严重程度而定,轻则只有2分钟或4分钟,重则5分钟或甚至高达10分钟,遭对手「Power Play」的次数愈多或时间愈长的队伍,失分或落败的机会就愈大。
冰球「Power Play」、Short-handed」In ice hockey, infractions of the rules lead to a play stoppage whereby the play is restarted at a faceoff. Some infractions result in a penalty on a player or team. In the simplest case, the offending player is sent to the penalty box and their team must play with one less player on the ice for a designated time. Minor penalties last for two minutes, major penalties last for five minutes, and a double minor penalty is two consecutive penalties of two minutes duration. A single minor penalty may be extended by two minutes for causing visible injury to the victimized player. This is usually when blood is drawn during high sticking. Players may be also assessed personal extended penalties or game expulsions for misconduct in addition to the penalty or penalties their team must serve. The team that has been given a penalty is said to be playing short-handed while the opposing team is on a power play(取自维基百科).
也就是说如果在投注运彩前能掌握经常犯规遭对手「Power Play」的球队,就能提高投注中奖的机会。以2021-2022大陆冰球例行赛24支球队的统计来看,因犯规遭对手「Power Play」次数最多的前8名依序为208次的海参崴上将、207次的明斯克发电机、195次的哈巴罗夫斯克、190次的莫斯科州维特亚兹、187次的索契、184次的里加发电机、183次的昆仑鸿星及180次的车里雅宾斯克,分别失了47分、51分、37分、43分、31分、41分、50分及38分,这样的统计结果也和例行赛战绩有高度的相关性,遭对手「Power Play」次数最多的8名中,就有高达6名例行赛的战绩排名垫底。
运彩冰球简单、好玩、赔率高,目前适逢国家冰球联盟、瑞典冰球联盟、捷克超级冰球联赛、芬兰冰球菁英联赛等赛事比赛期间,运彩都有开盘提供投注,今天谈到有关「Power Play」、「Short-handed」对球队表现的影响,提供大家投注时参考。
2021至2022大陆冰球例行赛因犯规造成对手「Power Play」次数最多的前8名统计情形。(台湾运彩提供)