无尾熊抱电线杆卡48小时!树没了 底下全是轰隆工程地

无尾熊吓到不敢动。(图/翻摄自WWF Australia)



WWF Australia PO出这段救援影片,无尾熊紧紧抓着电线杆,屁股坐在露出的细铁柱上相当无助,而牠维持这个姿势已经2天了。救援人员靠近时无尾熊还想躲开,结果越爬越高,最后筋疲力尽倒进网子里。原来这只无尾熊出现的地方原本树木的,但是近来因为开发,四周都是工程,也有许多车辆往来,除此之外,鸟儿占地骚扰加上狗儿吠叫,都让无尾熊动弹不得。

WWF Australia将无尾熊带回中心收容,在输液、给水和新鲜的食物之后,小家伙沉沉地睡了一觉,第二天总算又生龙活虎了,于是动保员便将牠野放到合适的地点

Today is the International Day of Forests, and also your last chance to make a submission to protect koalas and theit homes. This koala was stuck up a power pole for two days during a heatwave - just one of the many koalas left with nowhere to go as their homes are bulldozed. But you can help. Right now, vital laws that would help protect koalas' homes are being considered by QLD parliament, and they're open for public submissions. We’ve made it super easy for you to have your say with an automatic draft email. Click here to add your voice and help save koalas: http://wwfau.org/2FJdFZW #KIMBY #SaveKoalas