秀发就是画布! 超强美发师染出《星夜》《呐喊》发
▲一名美发师葛夫(Ursula Goff)能把秀发染成一幅幅名画。(图/翻摄自脸书)
这名美发师名叫乌苏拉葛夫(Ursula Goff),她擅长细心捕捉画作的颜色,将画作中美丽的色调、光影和比例拿捏得恰到好处,调配出一头缤纷又具有艺术气息的秀发。
被她引用的创作来自许多不同领域,从古典到前卫、中古到近代都有。梵谷的《星夜》、莫内的《睡莲》、维梅尔的《戴珍珠耳环的少女》、波提切利的《维纳斯的诞生》、克林姆的《吻》、孟克的《呐喊》以及安迪沃荷著名的普普风玛丽莲梦露、普普漫画家罗依·李奇登斯坦(Roy Lichtenstein)的笔下角色等等都是她的素材。她甚至还能依照地景印象,为客人创作出「冰岛火山印象」的发色。
I am sharing Van Gogh's "Starry Night" again for those who missed it, and also because I didn't originally publish any...
Fine Art Series: This is one of many water lilies paintings that Claude Monet painted. Monet is the most famous of the...
Fine Art series: The Kiss, by Austrian Symbolist Gustav Klimt. Perhaps one of my favorite paintings, this work is...
Fine Art Series: This is the famous "Birth of Venus", by Boticelli. This painting is enormous - 6 by 9 feet - and has...
Fine Art Series: Andy Warhol may be the most iconic artist of the 20th century. He was fascinated with fame and...
Next in the Fine Art series is Girl With a Pearl Earring, by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. What is interesting about...
I often get asked where I went to hair school, and what sort of cosmetology education background I have. The answer is...