「异色瞳帅猫」心冷待角落 遭小虎斑猛扑一把抓来理毛
▲Phoenix帮Ruby理毛。(图/翻摄自Facebook/粉专Cats Of San Bernardino)
猫咪救援机构Cats of San Bernardino救了患有重病的异色瞳白猫Phoenix,经过治疗猫咪渐渐康复,但或许是曾经被弃养,Phoenix的个性一直很冷淡,总是自己静静地待在角落,似乎对什么都不感兴趣,直到调皮的小虎斑猫Ruby出现,一切才开始改变。
▲Phoenix和Ruby已经是密不可分的伙伴。(图/翻摄自Facebook/粉专Cats Of San Bernardino)
In January we rescued Phoenix. He was covered in mange, FIV+, extremely thin and malnourished, and had dental issues. He was a massive man cat, huge in size, despite his lack of weight from living on the street ... he had been spotted living outside of an apartment building for at least a year as reported by the finder. She had seen him since she moved in but made the decision to get him help after his health started to deteriorate rapidly and she feared he would die. Once we got him home we could tell that he had once had an owner, as he is a senior, and in no way feral. He mostly kept to himself and had a sadness in his eyes even after he started to recover.⠀ ⠀ In April we rescued a litter of 5 sick neonatal kittens. 2 kittens were much worse off than the others and had to be separated from the rest of their litter... of those two kittens one unfortunately passed away, the other started the fight of her life, her name is Ruby. Little Ruby needed round the clock attention and ended up sleeping with us and moving out of the nursery and into our room for round the clock monitoring. She slowly gained strength and weight and was looking for a playmate. ⠀ ⠀ One day she ran out of our room and found Phoenix sleeping in the living room.⠀ Ruby pounced on Phoenix and we were terrified because of his size and attitude that he would harm her. The opposite happened, he grabbed her in his big arms and pulled her into his body and started to bathe her . It was such a special moment and although we were still scared he could get annoyed with her, we let it situation unfold... a love story was born. These two became inseparable. Ruby brought out a side of Phoenix we never knew existed. He started to play and became a kitten all over again. Phoenix provided Ruby with love and sense of security from another feline that she had never received. ⠀ ⠀ They were preadopted together in May and the adopter put off pickup for months and delayed telling her significant other. When it came time to go home it didnt work out and they have now been deprived of the chance to find a forever home ⠀ ⠀ They are now available for adoption. #savinglives #adoptdontshop #kittenrescue #love
Cats of San Bernardino(@catsofsanbernardino)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 26 日 下午 7:28 张贴
Phoenix因为Ruby变得越来越活泼,开始会玩球、打闹,因此志工非常希望牠们能一起被领养。Phoenix和Ruby的故事分享到脸书粉丝专页Cats of San Bernardino,网友纷纷留言,「2只猫比1只猫好多了。饲主外出时牠们会一起玩。」、「多么美妙的故事!很高兴牠们在一起。」、「牠们好甜蜜!」、「好喜欢这个故事」。
▲志工很希望Phoenix和Ruby可以一起被领养。(图/翻摄自Facebook/粉专「Cats Of San Bernardino」)
►饲主意外亡... 牠守老家神主牌「枯等3年」笼内全大便