走开!他悠闲划船...下一秒海豹「拿章鱼甩巴掌」 全船人笑崩
纽西兰摄影师凯尔(Kyle Mulinder)与朋友一起去南岛划独木舟时,身旁被许多海豹围绕,相当可爱,结果没想到拍下一个惊人的画面,一只海豹手拎着一只章鱼,直接往其中一人脸上巴下去,画面太生动有趣,赢得广大网友喜爱,许多人赞叹根本是一辈子难得的奇遇。
Wrong place, right time. Yes I got slapped in the face with an octopus by the seal! I know crazy right. Here’s the story. Last weekend I was out testing the new #GoProHero7 with @kaikourakayaks and my mate @taiyomasuda. After a fun paddle around the peninsula catching waves we spotted a giant male seal fighting an octopus. Before we knew it the fight came to us and well the rest is slap to the face I’m not sure who got more of a surprise the seal, the octopus or me. Either way the octopus held onto the bottom of kayak for some time before our guide was able to get it off with his paddle then it swam away to fight another day. True story. #GoPro #Kaikoura #Hero7Black #GoProANZ
A post shared by Kyle Te Kiwi | New Zealand (@barekiwi) on Sep 26, 2018 at 1:32pm PDT