French government ba

The French government has signalled that it is dropping a plan for a tax on domestic carbon dioxide emissions.

Jean-Francois Cope, parliamentary leader of the governing UMP party, was quoted as saying the tax "would be Europe-wide or not (exist) at all".

Prime Minister Francois Fillon told parliament that the government should focus on policies that increased France's economic competitiveness.

France had been rethinking the tax after a court rejected it last year.

The Constitutional Council said there were too many exemptions for polluters in the tax plan, and that a minority of consumers would bear the burden.

But President Nicolas Sarkozy's government had still been planning to push through a revised version of the measure later this year.

German competition

Had the plan been approved, France would have been the largest country to impose a carbon tax as part of efforts to tackle climate change.

"We have to amplify measures that help reinforce the competitiveness of our economy," Mr Fillon was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency.

"In that spirit, I would like to indicate that the decisions we are going to take regarding sustainable development have to be better coordinated with all European countries, so as not to widen our gap in competitiveness with our neighbour Germany."

Environmental agencies expressed di**ay on Tuesday, while the head of the French business federation Medef expressed relief.

The European Commission said earlier this month that it was planning an EU-wide minimum tax on carbon as part of the EU's green energy agenda - though the UK opposes such a move.

French government ba第四章 打兔子第十四章 升官(三)第七章 BOOS幼儿户外混龄活动中材料投放的几点思考中国雅虎邮箱今日关闭八方相声(9)第十三章 10级如何创造更多时间从百草园到三味书屋读后感第十三章 10级第四章 毁灭(上)忽必烈和成吉思汗是什么关系?忽必烈是因何忽必烈和成吉思汗是什么关系?忽必烈是因何中国雅虎邮箱今日关闭埃及总统授权受美教育的水利部长为首相第十一章 公主八方相声(6)忽必烈和成吉思汗是什么关系?忽必烈是因何我国首次太空授课垃圾渗滤液处理工艺现状浅析第六章 任务第十四章 不愧是师傅第五章 村子我国首次太空授课八方相声(4)第九章 击杀(2)第十六章 建好喽女孩为梦想而努力埃及总统授权受美教育的水利部长为首相第四章 打兔子八方相声(1)第四章 毁灭(上)第十章 收我为徒!科学技术的作文第六章 任务八方相声(112)在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸回家了第十一章 代价(四)3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职垃圾渗滤液处理工艺现状浅析第一章 白刃战珠海一幼儿园首开粤语教学在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸回家了第一章 堕落的核心第十章 收我为徒!专家称:狗肉节不合法问世间爱为何物?第六章 任务丑小鸭第四章 毁灭(上)第五章 桥豆麻袋专家称:狗肉节不合法贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人第十一章 代价(四)第一章 白刃战八方相声(112)八方相声(7)八方相声(112)九名运动员服用兴奋剂被禁赛八方相声(3)八方相声(1)第十二章 升官(一)八方相声(112)八方相声(11)第十六章 建好喽第六章 任务第二章 工作第十章 代价(三)3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职公安部回应二代证缺陷:年底身份证指纹登记第四章 打兔子埃及总统授权受美教育的水利部长为首相从百草园到三味书屋读后感第十章 代价(三)第九章 代价(二)第十五章 城主大厅八方相声(3)八方相声(6)第八章 代价(一)八方相声(8)在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸回家了专家称:狗肉节不合法贝克汉姆造访同济大学发生踩踏事故 致多人遗弃男孩称接到大额捐款50%的希望我国首次太空授课3名体罚孩子的教职工被停职大学生寄脏衣服回家洗如何创造更多时间第十五章 城主大厅第十二章 日入200从百草园到三味书屋读后感八方相声(8)专家称:狗肉节不合法第一章 堕落的核心2016年广州半数学校覆盖无线网第八章 击杀(1)八方相声(4)中国雅虎邮箱今日关闭