寒流夺命!「最爱笑的他永远离开了…」 ICRT DJ Papa Paul心脏病逝


连日低温下雨的天气,除了有许多民众生病感冒,也有不少中老年人因而离世。ICRT广播电台资深DJ Papa Paul因低温引发心脏疾病,5日在住处过世,享寿62岁,公司事后也在社群网站证实这项噩耗,「我们最好、最爱笑的Papa Paul永远离开了。」事发突然,令人不胜唏嘘。

▲ICRT资深DJ Papa Paul近日因低温引发心脏疾病而不幸离世。(图/翻摄自ICRT脸书

ICRT广播电台最近在脸书宣布一项遗憾的消息,资深DJ Papa Paul因连日寒流而心脏病逝,在该台服务了长达15年,无论怎么辛苦工作都不抱怨的他,优越的主持功力,不只获得许多听众喜爱,对公司而言,已经是不可或缺的家人之一,「少了Papa Paul的我们,感到难过和寂寞。」

▲Papa Paul已经在ICRT服务了15年,早期是担任晚间新闻的播报员。(图/翻摄自ICRT脸书)

事实上,Papa Paul本名为Paul Meador,从ICRT还在阳明山时,他就是该电台的晚间新闻播报员,后来升任新闻部经理节目部经理,敬业负责的工作态度尤其令人赞赏,中间一度回美国工作,但因为太想念台湾而回来,直到过世前,他一直都在该电台服务,突如其来的离世,也让公司万分不舍,「请跟我们一起想念他。」

▲Papa Paul的离世让公司和听众感到非常不舍。(图/翻摄自ICRT脸书)


[In Loving Memory of an ICRT Legend]

我们很遗憾的要告诉大家这样的消息,我们最好、最爱笑的Papa Paul永远离开了,他在ICRT工作15年,主持了精彩的节目,更是公司不可或缺的重要家人,少了Papa Paul的我们,感到难过和寂寞,请跟我们一起想念他。

Dear ICRT Listeners:

It is with a heavy heart that we must inform you of the passing of our very own Paul Meador. Papa Paul was a magnificent person who dedicated himself to a lifelong career in radio. Paul had been with ICRT for over 15 years. He loved radio, rock-and-roll and, most of all, he loved you, his listeners.

Paul started with ICRT when we were up on Yangmingshan in the early 90’s as an evening newscaster. He could easily put together and read an hour-long newscast, as well as many other casts in between. Paul was unstoppable, eventually becoming the Newsroom Manager and then Programming Manager. Paul was professional and hard working. He could work all day, then at the drop of a hat, come back in to cover the shift of a sick DJ. Never once did he complain.

Around 2000, Papa Paul went back to the States to work in print and radio journalism, but only temporarily. He could not be kept away from the country he loved so dearly - Taiwan.In 2011, Paul was asked to return to ICRT as Programming Manager, once again, and he jumped at the opportunity. He was with us all the way until he passed away this week.

Paul had the heart of a lion, and he was an absolute joy to work with. He kept the workplace fun and full of laughter. However, we would be remiss to say that those of you who grew up listening to him won’t miss him as much as we do – after all, Paul saved all of his best jokes and material for when he was in the studio. Whether you’ve tuned into his newscasts, The Morning Show with Papa Paul or Rock of Ages, please join us in honoring the memory of Paul George Meador, one of the longest-lived juggernauts to ever grace Taiwan’s airwaves.

Paul was born in Illinois, and is survived by his mother, brother, 2 sisters, wife, and 3 daughters, as well as 2 granddaughters.