快讯/纽西兰南岛西部外海规模5.6地震! 深度仅5公里


纽西兰南岛西部外海当地晚间9时53分(台湾时间下午4时53分)发生规模5.6地震。根据GeoNet最新数据,地震震央位在米尔福德峡湾(Milford Sound)西部外海约35公里处,深度仅5公里。

纽西兰先驱报(The New Zealand Herald)报导,米尔福德峡湾、皇后镇(Queenstown)和但尼丁(Dunedin)等城市都感受到明显摇晃,已有超过2000人回报。

Bit of a shake in Fiordland this evening - M5.6, 5 kilometres deep, with the epicentre about 40 kilometres west of Milford Sound. We've had more than 2000 felt reports so far and at least one aftershock. Remember to drop, cover and hold #eqnz pic.twitter.com/cYwco4WJhJ