领养21岁肾衰竭罹癌老猫 列清单陪牠「一路玩到挂」
▲Buisch和男友都很疼爱21岁的Tigger。(图/翻摄自Tigger's Story- The 21 yr. Old Cat)
21岁的橘猫Tigger被抛弃了,住在美国马里兰州的Adriene Buisch和男友马上决定收养,还列了「旅行清单」决定一起玩到挂,「牠喜欢待在室外,特别是海边。」Tigger现在还有一只6岁的猫伙伴Stuart,Adriene Buisch希望用Tigger的故事告诉大家,领养一只老毛孩,让牠最后过上好日子,是多么棒的一件事。
▲Tigger和6岁的Stuart一起过圣诞节。(图/翻摄自Tigger's Story- The 21 yr. Old Cat)
Tigger20岁时被抛弃在动物医院, Buisch和男友早就想再养一只猫陪伴Stuart,因此马上决定带Tigger回家。Tigger的情况比他们想得更糟,不仅瘦到皮包骨,每天喝的水多得异常,幸好Buisch在动物医院上班,为Tigger做了血检,才发现是肾衰竭。经过1年的治疗、饮食控制等,Tigger终于变胖,也毛茸茸的,病情趋缓下来。
▲▼妈妈抱抱~把拔你在做什么?(图/翻摄自Tigger's Story- The 21 yr. Old Cat)
▲▼Tigger喜欢到海滩玩。(图/翻摄自Tigger's Story- The 21 yr. Old Cat)
▼Tigger会得到满满的爱,带着温暖的心度过最后的生命旅程。(图/翻摄自Tigger's Story- The 21 yr. Old Cat)
With kidney failure you typically see their appetite decline as it worsens and his kidney values are pretty poor.......and we won't lie, there are some days he seems to be lacking an appetite which can be scary. But THIS boy comforts us with his appetite and surprises us every day. Tonight, he not only ate his full meal that takes him a few rounds to finish at his leisure...he devoured it and begged for round 2 AND round 3! Such a piglet! Gotta love the food on his big ole bottom lip...and immediately hopped into mommy's lap for the food coma. Take that kidney failure! ;-)