阿荣福利味/Wise Folder Hider - 资料夹上锁隐藏工具
档案、资料夹、随身碟隐藏工具 - Wise Folder Hider,只要将想要隐藏的档案或资料夹拖放到该软体主介面的空白处,就可以自动隐藏!除了软体开启时需要设定密码之外,还可以针对单项隐藏的标的物设定第二道密码,档案一经隐藏就只能透过此软体来取消隐藏,而且无法透过DOS指令或者是档案总管来存取,是个相当不错的免费档案保护工具!(阿荣)
Wise Folder Hider is a free file/folder hiding tool. User can use it to hide files and folders on local partitions or removable devices.The data can't be accessed by other programs or on other operating systems such as DOS. The only way to access or unhide these data is to enter the valid password. However, this application is designed for home use only but not recommended for commercial settings which require stricter confidentiality.
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