Alena Valyavko|现代侘寂,是另类的极简主义!
Alena Valyavko|现代侘寂,是另类的极简主义!
原创 DesignJapan 设计日本+
Alena Valyavko
负责该项目的是来自俄罗斯的Alena Valyavko,她是一位十分负责的室内设计师,她关注用户的需求,在设计中应用高端的技术来进行空间的打造。她的作品往往给人惊喜。
Alena valyavko from Russia is in charge of the project. She is a very responsible interior designer. She pays attention to the needs of users and applies high-end technology to create space in the design. Her works often surprise people.
项目类型 | 名师设计
Minimalism Apartment
这是一套侘寂风格的住宅,由俄罗斯设计师Alena Valyavko进行打造。空间中,主要采用了低饱和度的颜色,营造出一种美观舒适的效果。
This is a quiet style residence built by Russian designer Alena valyavko. In the space, low saturation colors are mainly used to create a beautiful and comfortable effect.
In the living room, the beige sofa looks very comfortable. Many elements in the space reflect a simple and simple style, and the patterns of wood elements highlight the delicate texture.
The restaurant also reflects the sense of design. The shape of the table is very unique, and the seats on the net also give a deep impression.
Through the corridor, we came to the bedroom. The bedroom also adopts a simple style, and the gray double bed looks very beautiful. The presence of green plants provides users with more natural breath.
The design of the cloakroom is also very simple, the clothes are orderly displayed, and the tables and chairs on the side provide a rest environment for users.
In the bathroom, simple and elegant colors are adopted. The white wall reflects the texture texture, absorbs the vases and green plants on the table, and creates more aesthetic feelings.
This quiet style residence reflects a natural and real beauty, and lets people get rid of the noise.